Attention Fanfic Writers


501st Group Photo
Creative Commons License photo credit: Official Star Wars Blog

Call for submissions: the Galactic Senate is holding a Clone Wars fan fiction competition right now. Deadline for entries is the end of January so dust off that thinking cap and start writing. There are fabulous prizes being offered, including: Clone Trooper helmet by Master Replicas; Clone Wars Senate Security action figure; die-cast AT-RT and Clonetrooper; and more! Rules generally are as follows:

  • The stories must be about the Clone Wars, set in the CW and/or affected by it.
  • Stories must be longer than 1200 words.
  • Collaborative stories are allowed but are restricted to only two authors working on the story.
  • The competion entries will be posted anonymously to ensure a fair competition. The winner will be decided by public poll.

Join in, or if you know someone who likes to dabble in fan fiction, by all means spread the word. The more the better! For complete details and prizes, check out the discussion thread at the Galactic Senate:


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